My name is Elisabeth. I have had a burden for the soldiers that go to war for America and come back with emotional and physical needs that require healing. When I learned of all the financial cutbacks made against funds allocated to the re-entry of soldiers back to their homeland, I was greatly grieved. As a result of this grief, I wrote the song Wounded Soldier as a heart felt prayer for their full recovery. With a team of musicians and the donated video from veterans, we were able to put this song and video together in order to encourage people to donate to the cause of the wounded soldier coming home to recovery. I hope this song and video moves your heart to help the wounded vets of America. Please show your support by clicking on one of the vet sites and donating to their cause. Please share your encouraging wounded vet story on our blog in order to spread hope to others who may be struggling at this time.
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Thank You for viewing my site! I hope you enjoy it!